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Israeli Intelligence Was Involved in US Assassination of the Iranian General

Israeli Intelligence Was Involved in US Assassination of Top Iranian General

Posted By: tonzal 
Date: Sunday, 12-Jan-2020 12:31:37


BATTLE FOR WORLD / SPUTNIK NEWS | January 12, 2020: The United States news organization NBC reported that unnamed sources revealed that Israel helped the U.S. plot the operation that led to the killing of Qasem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force from the country’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), by providing the Americans with key intelligence details on the matter.

The information supplied by Israel about Iran's Major General, the details helped verify intelligence from informants at an airport in Syria that Soleimani had been on a nighttime flight from Damascus to Baghdad, and the information was used to tip off the CIA in the drone strike.

The New York Times also reported that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in contact with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo ahead of Soleimani’s killing, and that the Jewish state likely became Washington DC's only ally in the know about the issue regarding Iran's Major General.

Days after the drone strike, CNN reported that Pompeo convinced Trump to kill Soleimani, and that the strike fulfilled a decade-long goal.

The Iranian news agency Tasnim in October 2019 revealed that the IRGC’s head of intelligence Hossein Taeb said that Israel and the West had collaborated to assassinate Soleimani and the objective was to “trigger a religious war inside Iran”.

Days after the drone strike killing of Soleimani, Trump tweets in FARSI, “To the brave, long-suffering people of Iran: I’ve stood with you since the beginning of my Presidency, and my Administration will continue to stand with you. We are following your protests closely, and are inspired by your courage,” backing Iranian protesters against Tehran's government.

Then the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo chimed in with a tweet: "The voice of the Iranian people is clear. ...The IRGC under @khamenei_ir's kleptocracy. We stand with the Iranian people who deserve a better future."

The Jerusalem Post reported on Sunday (Jan 12) that hundreds of Iranian protesters (motivated by the West) is demanding that Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei step down. The drama-plot is playing out as if it was all planned beforehand.

(BattleForWorld: Was the Ukrainian plane avionics software hijacked, giving the pilot false information that it was safe for takeoff, knowing that Iran would misidentify the passenger as a missile and likely shoot it down? Who hijacked the plane's software? Was this the reason why the West was so sure that it was Iran who shot down the plane? The West already knew, because obviously information was passed on to them. The flight ban information for the area was already announced as a precaution, that the Federal Aviation Administration late Tuesday (Jan 7) ordered U.S.-based commercial airlines to avoid flying in airspace over Iran and Iraq. While in Iran, it was already Wednesday (Jan 8) as Iran is several hours ahead of the United States. How come the pilots of the Ukrainian plane did not get this information? Very strange.)



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