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Mystery Air Crash in Afghanistan, 83 Dead, Is it a US Plane as Markings Show? (Denied by Pentagon)

Mystery Air Crash in Afghanistan, 83 Dead, Is it a US Plane as Markings Show? (Denied by Pentagon)


Gordon Duff, Senior Editor-

January 27, 2020





Afghan Interior Ministry, Second Vice President Confirm Plane Crash in Ghazni
The Afghan Interior Ministry on Monday acknowledged that a plane had crashed in the eastern province of Ghazni, adding that the cause of the crash remains unknown.

Second Vice President Sarwar Danish also confirmed that a transport plane collapsed at around 1:30 p.m. (09:00 GMT) in Ghazni’s Deh Yak district.

The Ghazni police chief and the provincial authority, meanwhile, confirmed that the Ariana Afghan Airlines flight had crashed, despite the airlines earlier denying the plane crash.

Video shows wreckage allegedly of reported plane crashed in Ghazni. The markings on the plane bear a resemblance to those belonging to US Air Force.

— TOLOnews (@TOLOnews) January 27, 2020


Mirwais Mirzakwal acting CEO of Ariana #Afghan Airline rejected the reports, says no Ariana plan crashed in Ghazni province.

— Pajhwok Afghan News (@pajhwok) January 27, 2020


#BREAKING Ariana airlines passenger plane crash in the Deh Yak district of #Ghazni province. The #Taliban are already according to several sources on the crash site. #Afghanistan
Via: @bsarwary

— StrategicNews (@StrategicNews2) January 27, 2020


Enemy intelligence aircraft crashed in Sado Khelo area of Deh Yak district #Ghazni noon hours today resulting in all crew & high-ranking CIA members killed.
Wreckage & dead bodies laying at crash site.

— Zabihullah (..ذبـــــیح الله م ) (@Zabehulah_M33) January 27, 2020




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