BREAKING : Доктор Шорес Медс- Информация о дозировке
Нью-Йорк Доктор Шорес Медс Информация о дозировке Он утверждает, что преуспел в лечении COVID-19
Врач в Нью-Йорке утверждает, что он лично лечил триста пятьдесят человек, зараженных коронавирусом, и все они выжили. Доктор говорит, что он использовал:
200 мг 2 раза в день Гидроксихлорохин
500 мг 1 раз в день Азитромицин
220 мг 1 раз в день сульфат цинка
350 пациентов
• Дыхание восстанавливается через 3-4 часа
• Ноль смертей
• Ноль госпитализаций
• Ноль интубаций
Я не могу проверить эти данные. Я публикую этот FWIW.
The treatment Hydroxychloroquine/Azithromycin has been developed by Prof. Didier Raoult, IHU Hôpital de la Timone in Marseille, France.
This doctor is a world famous and well-known virologist and is presently fighting against his own government in order to generalize the use of his treatment.
Phosphate de Chloroquine was already used by China and other countries against the Covid-19 but Prof. Raoult fine-tuned the treatment.
Chloroquine is a BIG story in Europe because it costs almost nothing, is apparently very effective and does absolutely not please big pharma!
Raoult has already, believe it or not and very surprisingly, received death threats...
This info must be widespread because even if it is only graded so far as a 90% effective treatment, without proper long lasting clinical tests and with a very short time to assess the long-term effects, it still remains far better than an hypothetical vaccin developped in 90 days, by luck and supposedly working properly on poultry...
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From a colleague:
I started on the COVID-19 Hydroxychloroquine/Azithromycin treatment protocol 5 days ago. I
tested negative two weeks ago so I could join in the study as an uninfected participant, to test for side effects.
The 350 infected people in New York in the study all cleared up within 4 days! Most were discharged from the hospital yesterday, the rest will be discharged today. Not a single person remained infected or died.
The hydroxychloroquine prevents virus replication, and inhibits the immunological over-response in the lungs that causes the fatal lung damage.
The Azithromycin boosts the immune system in a different way that increases the speed of antibody production.
The pair together is very effective in most people that are the worst off, in need of ICU care.
The longest recovery observed so far has been 6 days. My only reaction so far had been a low grade fever (99.5 F) on the first day after taking my first dose. The next day I was back down to my normal temperature of 97.6 F, and it has remained there since.